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About Us

Photo of Stethoscope

AzPANA was founded in 1981 by 4 nurses who served in perianesthesia nursing. AzPANA is a non-profit component of the American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses (ASPAN). The mission of AzPANA is to serve as a perianesthesia nursing resource and to advance nursing practice within the community through professional and educational opportunities.

Membership in AzPANA is open to all nurses who participate in preanesthesia care, postanesthesia care, ambulatory surgery, pain management, preadmission testing, office based cosmetic surgery, endoscopy, interventional radiology, and perianesthesia education. 

AzPANA helps promote the recognition of perianesthesia care as a nursing specialty, as well as  ASPAN Standards of Care, networking among perianesthesia nurses, and continuing education through specialized programs and scholarships. In addition to local and state participation, there are opportunities to serve on national committees and to offer input regarding perianesthesia standards of care.


The Arizona Perianesthesia Nurses Association is a non-profit organization which is a state component
of the American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses ( ASPAN ).



© 2022 by AzPANA.

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