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ASPAN Region 1 News

Message from our Region One Director
The holidays are over and spring is on the horizon. ASPAN’s 44th National Conference is approaching fast, and with it, the end of my 2nd and final term as Region 1 Director. I hope you all reviewed the ASPAN BOD candidate profiles and submitted your votes for our elections. Chanda Hassemer of RMPANA and Kevin MacVane of PANAC are both incredible individuals in whom I have complete confidence. Both have served as presidents of their respective components and both are passionate about perianesthesia nursing.
ASPAN’s National Conference in Dallas will be more easily accessible for Region 1 members than last year’s Orlando event. I am excited about the location- right in the middle of downtown, surrounded by interesting venues and attractions. The room rate, lower than we have seen in several years is a plus as is the accessibility of the Dallas Fort Worth International Airport with direct flights from nearly everywhere. If you are attending, be sure to watch for emails from Component Presidents and/or myself with invitations to meet your leaders and peers.
While perusing the brochure, I noticed a number of speakers from Region 1, including: Jacque Crosson (AZPANA), Connie HardyTabet (PANANM), Regina Hoefner-Notz and Stephanie Stephenson (RMPANA), Lori Erni and Melissa Schmidt (NPANA), and Lindsay Holt, Michelle Meadows and myself (PANAC). Way to go Region 1!
Our Spring Study Group is underway thanks to the efforts of so many Region 1 leaders. The groups have brought growth to our Region 1 Components as well as new leadership. PANANM (New Mexico) saw seven nurses from one Albuquerque hospital earn certifications in the fall with two of them stepping up to be involved in the component’s leadership! The study groups are free for members and those participating are encouraged to pay it forward by getting involved. How exciting to see the efforts come to fruition.
Ronda Dyer, MSN, BSPA, RN, CPAN, CAPA, CNE, ASPAN Region 1 Director