The Arizona PeriAnesthesia Nurses Association welcomes you to our collaborative and informative site.
PeriAnesthesia Certification Study Group
Scholarship Opportunities
ThanksGiving Season
Willingness to Serve
New Drugs - New Problems
After the ABCs, skin?
Blasts from the Past
Administration of sub-cutaneous anticoagulants During the Peri-operative Period
Verbal Orders in the Peri-operative Setting
An invitation to become a member of the AzPANA Board of Directors....
The National Crisis in Nurse Staffing
Recommendations for Care of the Surgical Patient who has Diabetes Mellitus Part 2
Recommendations for Care of the Surgical Patient who has Diabetes Mellitus - Part 1
Breastfeeding and the Perianesthesia Patient
Scholarship Opportunities
Recognition and treatment of Local Anesthetic Toxicity
Negative Pressure Pulmonary Edema in the PACU
Dexmedetomidine (Precedex) has demonstrated less delirium than the commonly used benzodiazepines
Postanesthesia care of patients being ruled out for Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.
“Buprenorphine (Subutex) and the combination drug Suboxone in the Perianesthesia setting.”