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Advocacy Day at the Capitol

Article by Leslye Alexander P., M.S.N., R.N., CNL

March 4, 2025

Nurses Represent

March seems like a good month to write about Nursing in Arizona. It just so happens that March is National Women’s History month and March 19th is Certified Nurse’s Day! Last month I attended the Arizona Nursing Association (AZNA) RN Advocacy Day at the AZ State Capitol along with forty-nine Mayo and fifty practicing nurses from around Arizona. What we experienced was informative, empowering, and fun! Here is what we learned, who we met, and what we saw.

What We Learned

We met with lobbyists and members of the AZNA. The following talking points/bills were up for vote in the House: HB2133 – nurses; provisional licensure, HB2137 – mental health inquiry; prohibition, and HB2310 – advanced practice registered nurses; compact.


Who We Met

Placed in groups based on our legislative districts (LD), we were able to meet directly with local representatives. We delivered our 2025 Talking Points when we met with Pamela Carter (LD4) and Selina Bliss (LD1, who is also a nurse). One nurse commented on her experience: “Hearing our stories of our lived experiences, our legislator threatened to annul the bill. And our legislator was surprised to hear that we want more nurses to work in our state”!


What We Saw

We observed legislative voting from the galleries of both the House and Senate. Several of us registered for the opportunity to speak up on legislative issues, which can be done by anybody online anywhere or any device. In addition, legislators are also available via email to set up meeting times.

Finally, we visited the History Museum. There we walked through and sat at the desks of early legislators, viewed historical voting results from the early 1900’s, and learned of milestone events, such as a landslide vote for enfranchising women in 1912.

Our partners, the AZNA, organized in 1919 when forty-two AZ graduate nurses met with the American Nurses Association. Since then, they have worked to raise the standards and qualifications of nursing in Arizona. Nurses, indeed, have a voice in legislative matters. Within the walls of the AZ State Capitol is a history built by our representation.


The Arizona Perianesthesia Nurses Association is a non-profit organization which is a state component
of the American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses ( ASPAN ).



© 2025 by AzPANA.

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