The Arizona PeriAnesthesia Nurses Association welcomes you to our collaborative and informative site.
Dear Sponsor,
On behalf of the Arizona PeriAnesthesia Nurses’ Association (AzPANA), we would like to extend an invitation to you to participate as a sponsor at any or all of our conferences.
We offer:
A full day in-person/virtual conference, normally held from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm.
You'll be able to choose your venue through the registration module.
Conference attendees generally include healthcare professionals from the Hospital OR/PACU settings, Surgical Centers, Eye Care Centers and other areas where moderate sedation is used, including Endoscopy, pain management, and other special care units.
Sponsor fees are as follows:
At our full day in-person/virtual conference, Sponsors are provided ample room to display items and/or equipment with multiple opportunities to speak to conference attendees during morning registration, break times, and after lunch. The Corporate Sponsor fee includes lunch for one, the opportunity to sit in on any of the lectures throughout the day, and a Corporate PowerPoint slide may be submitted for an overhead rolling presentation. On the date of the conference, you may arrive as early as 6:30 A.M. to set up your exhibit. On-site Registration for attendees is from 7:00 A.M. until 7:55 A.M. The corporate Sponsor fee is $500 for each table requested for this seminar.
At our 4-Hour virtual-only conference, Sponsors are asked to provide one PowerPoint slide with information about your product(s) and your contact information. The rolling presentation will be shown at all breaks, and before and after the event. The Corporate Sponsor fee of $100 includes the 1 slide presented during the conference and attendance to the event.
Direct sales sponsors who display their products at an AzPANA full-day Seminar will be assessed a $100 fee or equivalent silent auction item for each table requested. There is no provision for meals for direct sales sponsors.
Items may be donated by Sponsors for our silent auction to promote your exhibit.
Sponsor fees can be waived for the full-day seminar by sponsoring lunch, providing a non-CME lunch time speaker, or providing refreshments during breaks. Please contact the conference coordinator listed below for additional information.
Once again, thank you for your support of our organization. If necessary for your documentation, our AzPANA Tax I.D.# is 94-2617304.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
For conference questions: text, call, or email:
Bethany Biardi MSN, RN, CPN, CPAN
Education Director